What is Illegal Dumping?
Illegal dumping is the unlawful disposal of waste on public or private land or into water without a licence, permit or approval from the relevant authority.
It could be anything from small bags of waste to large piles of dumped materials in bushland, waterways, streets, laneways, parks and footpaths.
Authorised Officers of Kyogle Council have the ability to issue penalty infringement notices for illegal dumping offences. On-the-spot fines start at $4,000, or $15,000 for the illegal transportation or dumping of asbestos.
Problems with illegal dumping
- Illegal dumping costs our community thousands each year in investigation, clean up and disposal fees – money that could have been better spent elsewhere.
- Dumped waste in one location often attracts others to dump at that same location.
- Dumped waste is unsightly and discourages visitors to an area.
- Hazardous waste such as asbestos and chemicals can contaminate soil and water and present a risk to both human and animal health.
- Dumped green waste can spread weeds and cause fire hazards, particularly in our summer season.
Illegal Dumping and Litter Prevention Strategy
In response to this issue, Council has adopted the Illegal Dumping and Litter Prevention Strategy 2023-2027 (link to Strategy) to help reduce the adverse impacts of illegal dumping and littering across the Kyogle Local Government Area. The Strategy outlines the key actions Council will endeavour to implement over the next five years in an effort to address illegal dumping behaviours, such as dumping of household waste in public bins, bushland, state forests and national parks, and abandoning vehicles.
How to dispose of unwanted items?
- Drop off household problem waste for FREE at the Community Recycling Centre (CRC)
- Visit the Kyogle Landfill or your local Waste Transfer Station to correctly dispose of items. These facilities also provide FREE drop off of pre-sorted e-waste, scrap metal, whitegoods (certified de-gassed) and bulk recyclables.
- Use your free waste voucher
Reporting Illegal Dumping
Reporting illegal dumping is both quick and easy to do.
- Contact Kyogle Council directly by phoning: (02) 6632 1611
- Report it online at www.ridonline.epa.nsw.gov.au
To learn more about illegal dumping, the impact it has on the community, and how we can all reduce it, read Council’s Illegal Dumping Fact Sheet.
Watch this short video and see how easy it is to report illegal dumping
If you see or witness illegal dumping, try to safely obtain as much information as possible, including:
- Street location of illegal dumping.
- Types of dumped materials, and whether you believe it constitutes a hazard.
- Date and time of dumping.
- Name and address of person(s) responsible (if known).
- Associated vehicle, registration number.
- Photographs of the incident, which will assist Council with the investigation.
- Let’s work together and get RID of Illegal Dumping once and for all.
Find out more: Visit www.illegaldumping.com.au
Litter can be almost any material that is disposed of incorrectly. Some common examples include cigarette butts, drink containers or food packaging dropped on the ground rather than being placed in a bin.
Council Officers can issue penalty infringement notices for littering offences, dependent on the nature of the litter. Don’t risk a fine – dispose of your waste correctly.
Find out more about litter and how it affects our environment here.
Littering from Vehicles
Did you know you can be fined for not covering a load on a trailer or ute?
Dust, soil and litter that escapes from uncovered loads can wash into stormwater drains and pollute waterways. Litter from uncovered loads can also cause an accident if heavy objects dislodge or dust obscures the vision of other road users.
If you see litter being discarded or blown from a vehicle, you can either
- Report it online.
- Call Council on (02) 6632 1611.
Record details such as the vehicle registration, location, type of litter, date and time to ensure that a Regulatory Officer can follow up on your report.