Richmond River and Wilsons River Flood Warning Improvement Project
The region’s flood warning service is being reviewed, and the community is invited to have its say on what improvements should be made.
The Richmond and Wilsons Rivers Flood Warning Improvement Project will make recommendations and fast-track improvements to our existing flood warning service to improve scope and reliability.
The primary objectives include the improvement of flood warning by upgrading existing gauges, installing new gauges, and setting up new flood forecast locations. It will also support community awareness of any changes to the existing flood warning service and will s
upport the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) in providing accurate and timely flood warnings to the community.

The project is being led by NSW Department Planning and Environment – Environment and Heritage Group in consultation with the BOM, SES and local councils.
Full project details and initial draft recommendations can be found at You can provide feedback, questions or suggestions regarding improving the existing flood warning network in the Richmond and Wilsons rivers catchment up until 21 November 2023.