Maps – GIS data

Mapping data. The Department of Lands have produced a website that displays spatial information covering all of NSW. Information displayed includes; Aerial Photography, Lot and Deposited Plans, Local Government Areas, Roads, Points Of Interest, Fire Hotspots, Topographical Maps, Weather Information and Aerial Photography of Sydney Suburbs from 1943, well worth a look.

The NSW Government’s Land and Property Information Division through its Spatial Information eXchange provides publicly accessible mapping information on-line.

The Spatial Information eXchange (SIX) portal provides access to the state’s geospatial information.

According to the SIX webpage: “It is the doorway to the most comprehensive, accurate and reliable spatial and textual data for NSW. It also provides access to authoritative land and property information.”

“SIX is a one-stop shop to access NSW land and property related information, map and image viewers for a range of users including government, the survey sector and the general public.The SIX Portal provides access to:

  • View a wide selection of NSW spatial datasets, including property, cadastral and topographic information, satellite data and aerial photography via the SIX application
  • Purchase and view various land and property related information such as land title, valuation services and image and plan services
  • Explore and search LPI’s metadata, as well as to contribute to the NSW Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) hosted by LPI *

To go to the SIX portal please click here.

* Information sourced from

NSW Planning Viewer

The Planning Viewer provides public access to the map layers for certain planning maps incorporated by reference in environmental planning instruments made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Viewer is an initiative of the New South Wales Government and is designed to help people better understand map-based planning information. The Viewer enables users to search, navigate and view the map layers using standard map viewer functionality. The service is maintained by the Department of Planning and Environment.

You can access the Planning Viewer by clicking here.