Masterplans for the villages of Wiangaree, Woodenbong, Bonalbo, Old Bonalbo, Tabulam and Mallanganee

Kyogle Council in partnership with the community has developed masterplans for the villages of Wiangaree, Woodenbong, Bonalbo, Old Bonalbo, Tabulam and Mallanganee. The masterplans are intended to guide development of the villages over the next 10-20 years, including investment in, and improvement of, public facilities and infrastructure. The process to develop the masterplans involved extensive consultation with the community and key stakeholders of each village. Council will seek to implement the actions identified in the plans as resources permit. The timetable for implementation will depend on the priorities identified in each plan, resources allocated through the annual budget and works programs, and opportunities for grant funding. The masterplans can be accessed below:

Bonalbo Village Masterplan

Mallanganee Village Masterplan

Old Bonalbo Village Masterplan

Tabulam Village Masterplan

Wiangaree Village Masterplan

Woodenbong Village Masterplan