Kyogle Aquatic Centre Upgrade / Health and Wellbeing Hub


Kyogle Council plans to upgrade the Kyogle Memorial Pool area to revitalise the precinct and encourage increased use of the facilities. Current plans can be viewed here.

In 2018, Council engaged Chris Pritchett Architects with MAK Planning and Design to undertake a Site Master Plan of the area.

The proposed upgrades included:

  • A new Community Gym
  • A heated, indoor lap pool, with a minimum of 3 lanes
  • An indoor stadium, that can be used for basketball, netball, futsal, indoor cricket and other events

The first community display and workshop was held on Wednesday 26 September 2018, displaying five potential options for the site. From this, two options were selected for further development. These were Option 1 and Option 2, as shown in the presentation that can be downloaded below.

On Thursday 18 October 2018, the second of two community displays and workshops was held, displaying the final two potential options for the site:

  • Option 1: new facility is place within the existing pool precinct, behind the existing grandstand
  • Option 2: as per option 1, except the indoor stadium is placed in Bloore St park

Comments were received, issues were debated and discussions were held on the merits of both options. The presentation from the evening can be downloaded below.

Following community consultation, Council adopted ‘Option 1’ as the preferred option in November 2018. The Kyogle Aquatic Centre is planned to be built in the Kyogle pool precinct and will also serve as an emergency evacuation centre for the wider district during natural disasters.

Kyogle Main Street and Civic Heart Master Plan

Kyogle Council plans to upgrade the Kyogle Main Street CBD area with a vision to produce high quality public spaces, improve community safety, encourage mixed uses, improve accessibility and enhance pedestrian and cycling conditions. The proposed plans include upgrades along Summerland Way (from Wyangarie Street to Anzac Drive) and resurfacing of Stratheden St (from Summerland Way to Bloore Street) to create the new ‘Civic Heart’ plaza.

Council engaged ROSS Planning to undertake this master planning exercise, with the project having two main components  – redevelopment of the Kyogle Main Street (Summerland Way) and redevelopment of the Civic Heart Precinct (Stratheden Street/Library Forecourt area).

Several iterations of the master plan options have been produced. The original Draft Masterplan was revised following significant public comment and feedback received during the first round of public consultation in June 2021.

The revised Draft Masterplan underwent a subsequent round of public consultation between December 2021 – February 2022. Community interest in the project remains very strong and Council received a large number of submission in response to the revised Draft Masterplan.

There was clear community support for redevelopment of the Civic Heart Precinct subject to clarification and refinement of some design elements such as amount of grassed space, supporting infrastructure and installations and the proposed planting regime and species.

The landscape design for the Civic Heart Precinct was amended to reflect this feedback and Council resolved at its 11 April 2022 meeting to adopt the Kyogle Civic Heart Landscape Design.

Community feedback on the revised redevelopment of the Kyogle Main Street showed considerable support for the “greening” of the main street in principle, however there are still substantial reservations about key elements of the plan – in particular, the potential loss of car parking spaces and other traffic management issues.

As a result, Council decided to investigate options for the long-term management of traffic in the Kyogle Main Street, including provision of car parking spaces required to support the sustainable growth of the Kyogle business district, before further consideration of a plan for redevelopment of the Main Street.

After further community consultation, the final Landscape Master Plan was adopted by Council in June 2023.  The final plan can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Kyogle Amphitheatre Park Master Plan

This master plan was developed in consultation with the community and adopted by Council in 2004. The first stage of construction included the amphitheatre, Visitor Information Centre, pathways, shelters and barbecue facilities.

Kyogle Ampitheatre Park Master Plan

Kyogle Memorial Hall Master Plan

The KMI Hall is one of the most prominent and significant buildings in the Kyogle Main Street and an important community facility with a long history of change and adaptation.

As part of the design process around these works, a broader Master Plan was developed in consultation with key stakeholders and broader community feedback. This master plan provides the basis for the staged development of the hall over time to ensure that this grand old building is able to meet the needs of the community for many decades to come.

The first stage (or “option”), which was completed in 2018, saw the relocation of the Roxy Art Gallery to the first floor of the building, along with the reinstatement of the original entrance from the Summerland Way, including a lift to the upstairs art gallery. Stage 2 focuses on the main hall and amenities, stage 3 includes a new kitchen and service ramp to the main hall, and stage 4 upgrades the back stage access and dressing rooms.

KMI Master Plan existing floor plan

KMI Master Plan stage 1

KMI Master Plan stage 2

KMI Master Plan stage 3

KMI Master Plan stage 4

KMI Master Plans information on four stages