The Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act) authorises local councils appointed to manage dedicated or reserved Crown land (council managers) to manage that land as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act).  Under the LG Act, a Plan of Management (PoM) must be adopted by council for all community land. A PoM is a useful tool to provide strategic planning and governance for the management and use of land. PoMs set out objectives and performance targets for community land and promote active land management and use, including issuing tenures over the land.  POMs are also a critical tool to ensure that any authorisation or restriction on the use of a Crown reserve is consistent with the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993.

The following Plans of Management and associated Master Plans have been adopted by Council for its Community Lands and Crown Lands under its control.


Community and Crown Land

Kyogle Recreation Reserve

Mallanganee Lookout

Mallanganee Sportsground

Norman Jonhston Park

Old Bonalbo Reserve

Tabulam Sports Oval

Wiangaree Rodeo Grounds

Woodenbong Sports Ground

Master Plans

Aboody Park Master Plan

ANZAC Park Master Plan

Kyogle Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Mallanganee Sportsground Master Plan

Mallanganee Lookout Master Plan

Norman Johnston Oval Master Plan

Old Bonalbo Master Plan

Tabulam Master Plan

Wiangaree Reserve Master Plan

Woodenbong Master Plan