An Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy is a local water utility’s (LWU’s) 30-year strategy for the provision of appropriate, affordable, cost-effective and sustainable urban water services that meet community needs and protect public health and the environment.
Kyogle Council, in conjunction with the Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability (DEUS, now NSW DPIE Water) commenced the IWCM process in 2003 with the preparation of an IWCM Concept Study (DEUS, 2003). The Kyogle IWCM Strategy Study (MWH, 2006) was then prepared to identify and develop management strategies for urban water cycle planning that address the issues identified in the Concept Study. The Project Reference Group (PRG) consulted during the study included stakeholder representatives from Council, state government agencies and community groups.
The 2006 Kyogle IWCM Strategy is a long term overarching plan for the management of urban water services at Kyogle, including water supply, wastewater and stormwater.
The original 2006 IWCM Strategy was prepared for the town of Kyogle only, as this was the only township large enough to require the preparation of an IWCMS. The 2020 review of the IWCM includes all water and wastewater responsibilities of Council across the Local Government Area (LGA). Urban stormwater management will also be addressed where impacts from or to the water/sewerage systems are identified or there are opportunities to increase integration. Council engaged Hydrosphere Consulting to prepare the Kyogle Council Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy Issues Paper 2020. The IWCMS Issues Paper has been forwarded to the DPIE, and Council is awaiting a response from them before consideration of the need to progress the process to the next stage of preparing a formal IWCM Strategy.
This IWCM Issues Paper identifies the IWCM issues facing Kyogle Council and its customers and is the first component of the IWCM Strategy development. An IWCM issue is defined as an unacceptable risk of failure to meet statutory requirements or the adopted Levels of Service now or within the 30-year planning horizon. Part A of this report provides a summary of the available information and presents the issues to be considered in the IWCM Strategy. Part B provides detailed background information.
The IWCM Strategy is required to address two elements of the NSW Best-Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines (DWE, 2007) i.e. IWCM and water conservation. This IWCM Strategy is being prepared in accordance with the Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy Check List – February 2019 (NSW Office of Water, 2019a). IWCM issues that have been identified have been prioritised based on the risks to human health and the environment as well as noncompliance with regulatory requirements and ranked as high, medium or low priority.
The IWCM issues Paper also documents Council’s current response to each issue and any additional requirements to be considered in the IWCM Strategy development. Capital expenditure has been allocated to address most of the issues (Section 3). The key issue to be addressed in the IWCM Strategy is the provision of water supply and sewerage services to currently un-serviced areas – a water supply for the village of Tabulam (possibly a joint water supply with the Aboriginal community of Jubullum) and sewerage services for the villages of Tabulam, Wiangaree and Mallanganee.
Based on the information obtained during the preparation of the IWCM Issues Paper, Council has also successfully applied for grant funding under the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE – Water) Safe and Secure Water Program to progress the Tabulam Water Supply Options Report and the Three Villages Sewerage Scheme Business Case.
The IWCM Strategy will also address a series of issues associated with service levels and operational efficiency and effectiveness of the existing water supply and sewerage systems servicing the township of Kyogle, the village of Bonalbo and the communities of Woodenbong and Muli Muli. All of these issues have been considered in the current review of the LTFP.
Document Links
Kyogle Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy Issues Paper and Background Documentation January 2020
Kyogle IWCM Strategy Study Final Report August 2006
Kyogle IWCM Concept Study June 2003
Northern Rivers Regional Bulk Water Supply Study
In 2013, the Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils (NOROC) resolved to develop a long-term (50 year) regional water supply strategy in order to evaluate the potential benefits to future water supply security resulting from a regionally integrated system. The study investigated numerous interconnection and supply scenarios.
Northern Rivers Regional Bulk Water Supply Study
Appendix 1 – Interim Report 1 – Existing Town Water Resources and Demand
Appendix 2 – Interim Report 2 – Long-term Water Resources and Demand
Appendix 3 – Additional Information on Groundwater Resources
Appendix 4 – Preliminary Assessment of Potential Desalination Facility Sites
Appendix 5- Preliminary Assessment of Primary Sources