Conducting Works within a Public Road Reserve

In addition to the works and services conducted by Council, many other individuals and organisations may also conduct works and events within the road reserves or on assets under Council’s control. This page has information about systems and procedures Council has put in place to ensure that these works are being carried out by competent persons with appropriate insurance coverage.

In addition to the works and services conducted by Council, many other individuals and organisations may also conduct works and events within the road reserves or on assets under Council’s control. In order to protect both Council and the general public, Council needs to put in place systems and procedures to ensure that these works are being carried out by competent persons with appropriate insurance coverage.

The scope of works conducted by individuals or organisations can vary greatly. Works can include the mowing of the nature strip in a village area, through to major road, telecommunications, electricity, water, sewerage and drainage construction works, and everything in between.

In most cases these works will affect the flow of traffic and/or infrastructure owned by Council. Council needs to ensure that the safety of road users is maintained and that works do not result in a negative impact on Council’s assets and the environment.

Council has endeavoured to make its requirements suit the scope of the works being conducted. To this effect the requirements for minor maintenance works are not as stringent as those for major construction works where project-specific Quality, OH&S, and Environmental Management Plans may be required.

In most cases, Council has provided an outline of the requirements to obtain approval for conducting works or events. In some cases this is not practical and individual assessment of proposals is the only equitable way to determine the requirements for specific projects.

In the case of Public Gates and Bypasses (Cattle Grids) and Property Accesses separate management plans have been prepared outlining the specific requirements in relation to the assessment and approval of these structures. In all cases the application to actually conduct the construction works must still be made in accordance with this document.

An application form can be downloaded below. Please forward application to Council with appropriate plans and fees.

Download files

Application to Conduct Works within a Public Road

Road Reserve Management Plan

Roadside Vegetation Management Plan