Bonalbo Flood Study
The Bonalbo Flood Study, prepared by consulting engineering firm BG&E, represents the initial phase of a comprehensive process aimed at understanding and managing flood risks in Bonalbo. This study, funded by both Kyogle Council and the NSW State Government, focused on developing a detailed understanding of flood behavior, including Peacock Creek (mainstream flooding) and local catchment drainage through the town.
The study involved detailed hydrologic analysis and hydraulic modeling to map predicted flood extents, levels, depths, velocities, and hazards associated with various flood types, ranging from a 1 in 5 year flood to a 1 in 500 year event and the PMF Event (Probable Maximum Flood). Additionally, the study considered the predicted effects of climate change on flood behavior.
Information collected from the public in a questionnaire about the community’s experience of flooding informed the preparation of the Bonalbo Flood Study. This study has now been used to inform the development of the Bonalbo Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study. The floodplain risk management plan sets out measures to minimize the risk and consequences of future flooding, based on the findings of the flood study.
The draft Bonalbo Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study is currently on public exhibition, and the public is invited to inspect the document and make submissions to Council during the exhibition period. Submissions can be made by emailing, following this link, or by writing to The General Manager, Kyogle Council, PO Box 11, Kyogle NSW 2474.
The draft Bonalbo Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study can be viewed using the link below.