Free LED lighting and solar audit for local businesses

Kyogle Council is partnering with The Green Guys Group to offer free audits for LED lighting and solar to businesses throughout the Kyogle local government area (LGA).

The LED lighting audit is open to all businesses, however the solar audit is only available to  businesses with a minimum daily energy consumption of 100kw/hr per day.

As part of the audit, the Green Guys Group, one of Australia’s largest renewable energy companies, will provide participating businesses with a tailored business case which provides a full analysis of site energy usage, current cost of energy, savings which could be generated by a renewable upgrade, rebates payable to the site owner, a payment plan (if required) and other details.

Businesses wanting to register an interest in a LED lighting audit and/or a solar audit are asked to email Kyogle Council at by 29 July 2022 providing their business name, street address, contact name and contact phone number.

They will then be contacted by The Green Guys Group to organise a site visit.  In advance of a site visit and to enable The Green Guys Group assessors to create accurate proposals, businesses seeking a LED lighting audit will need to provide the following information to them via email: business name and ABN; a full (all pages) copy of a recent electricity bill (pre-COVID); street address; and building floor plan (if available).

Businesses wanting a solar audit will need to provide all of the above plus a Google Maps image of the roof to be used for solar and roof type (material). A completed Interval Data Request form will also be required later.

For further information, contact:  Judy Faulks at Kyogle Council on 02 6632 1611 or email; or Geoff Anson, at The Green Guys Group, on 0414 611 177 or email