This event is the first event in Kyogle Togethers’ new Event Mentoring Program which trains, mentors and pays young people in the Kyogle Local Government Area to put on events (Oct 21 – Oct 22).
The ‘Summer Splash’ pool party will be a free Hawaiian-themed event with live bands, mechanical bull, inflatable obstacle course, swimming races, Open Mic and best dressed competition.
This is a chance for young people to learn event management skills and to celebrate their hard work with other young people. This event is specifically targeting young people 12 – 25 though families are welcome and the pool will also be open to the general public during the event.
Free buses will run from Bonalbo, Jubullum, Tabulam, Muli Muli, and Woodenbong. To register a spot on the bus please email or call Jaimie on 0458 167 951.