Draft landscaping proposals for Kyogle town centre on public display
Council is seeking comment and feedback from the community in connection with draft landscaping proposals for the Kyogle town centre.
In addition to the wider precinct concept plan, there are more detailed drawings that provide an overview of the proposed street layout, revised parking, access and traffic management arrangements including the introduction of a 40kph zone throughout the town centre and 45 degree nose-in parking with sufficient space to reverse out without impeding traffic flow (not like in Casino).
The draft plans include the following:
- Comprehensive landscaping proposals for the town centre, including works to create a new civic ‘plaza’ focused on Stratheden Street.
- Revised parking, access and traffic management arrangements – including the introduction of a 40kph zone throughout the town centre.
- Opportunities for new landscaped outdoor dining/rest spaces, street furniture and other features.
- Proposals to introduce new lighting and public art into the town centre – including a ‘Laneway Strategy’ to better activate Roxy Lane and Crockford Lane.
To view the plans/report please, follow this link.
In addition to the wider precinct concept plan, there are more detailed drawings that provide an overview of the proposed street layout, revised parking, access and traffic management arrangements including the introduction of a 40kph zone throughout the town centre and 45 degree nose-in parking with sufficient space to reverse out without impeding traffic flow (not like in Casino).
To view the more detailed drawings, follow this link.
Submissions will close on Friday 11 June at 4pm. Submissions can be emailed to council@kyogle.nsw.gov.au or sent to PO Box 11, Kyogle, NSW, 2474.