Community Newsletter

Every month Kyogle Council publishes a community newsletter which features articles on Council’s activities, decisions, services and events.

It is delivered via Australia Post to all households in Kyogle as well as to homes in Wiangaree, Mallanganee, Bonalbo, Old Bonalbo and surrounding areas. Copies are also available for collection each month from the Cawongla Store, Wadeville Woolies, Kyogle library, Council’s Roxy Gallery, the Kyogle Visitor Information Centre, Kyogle Newsagency, and Kyogle Farmers’ Market.

If you would like a copy of the newsletter sent to you by email, please contact Council on 6632 1611 or email

Regular features in the newsletter include an events page, previews of upcoming exhibitions at the Roxy Gallery and information on what’s happening at the Kyogle Library.

The newsletter is also open to community groups and service clubs throughout the Kyogle Local Government Area to promote their events and activities.

The deadline for contributions to the newsletter is the second Wednesday of every month. For further information phone 6632 1611 or email