Integrated Planning and Reporting

To provide services that meet community needs both currently and into the future, Council has prepared a range of documentation which can be accessed from this page.

Kyogle Council, in line with NSW Local Government reforms, has introduced a new integrated planning and reporting (IP&R) framework. The aim of the new integrated system is to enhance Council’s long-term planning in line with the aspirations and wishes of the community.

As part of the framework, Council is required to prepare a long-term Community Strategic Plan (CSP) with a Resourcing Strategy, a Community Engagement Strategy, a Four Year Delivery Program and an annual Operational Plan. They replace the former Management Plan and Social Plan.

The Community Strategic Plan identifies the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and sets out strategies for achieving these goals.

It is supported by a suite of other Council plans and documents, including:

  • The Delivery Program, which sets out the projects and services Council will deliver over the next four years that work toward achieving the outcomes identified in the Community Strategic Plan
  • The Operational Plan which contains a high level of detail of Council’s budget, actions and projects for each financial year;
  • The Asset Management Strategy which provides detailed information on the type and condition of council’s assets and their expected renewal requirements.
  • The Long Term Financial Plan which brings the budget, resourcing, and asset management components together.

Every year Kyogle Council also puts out an annual report outlining its achievements over the last 12 months and performance in key service areas.

The report, required under the Local Government Act 1993, also provides information on the the condition of council’s assets and links to its audited financial statements and State of the Environment Report.

Long term plans

Community Strategic Plan (click to view)

Long Term Financial Plan (revised June 2020)

Asset Management Strategy

Core Infrastructure Risk Management Plan

Workforce Management Plan

End of Term Reports

End of Term Report 2021 – 2024

End of Term Report 2016 – 2021

End of Term Report 2012 – 2016

Yearly plans

Delivery Program 2024/2028 and Operational Plan 2024/2025

Fees and Charges 2024/2025

Delivery Program 2023/2027 and Operational Plan 2023/2024

Fees and Charges 2023/2024

Delivery Program 2022/2026 and Operational Plan 2022/2023

Fees and Charges 2022/2023

Delivery Program 2021/2025 and Operational Plan 2021/2022

Fees and Charges 2021/2022

Delivery Program 2020/2024 and Operational Plan 2020/2021

Fees and Charges 2020/2021

Delivery Program 2019/2023 and Operational Plan 2019/2020

Fees and Charges 2019/2020

Delivery Program 2018/2022 and Operational Plan 2018/2019

Fees and Charges 2018/2019

Delivery Program 2017/2021 and Operational Plan 2017/2018

Fees and Charges 2017/2018

Delivery Program 2016/2020 and Operational Plan 2016/2017

Fees and Charges 2016/2017

Delivery Program 2015/2019 and Operational Plan 2015/2016

Fees and Charges 2015/2016

Delivery Program 2014/2018 and Operational Plan 2014/2015

Fees and Charges 2014/2015

Delivery Program 2013/2017 and Operational Plan 2013/2014

Fees and Charges 2013/2014

Delivery Program 2012/2016 and Operational Plan 2012/2013

Fees and Charges 2012/2013

Resourcing Strategy 2012/2025

Management Plan 2011/2012

Management Plan 2010/2011

Management Plan 2009/2010

Management Plan 2008/2009

Management Plan 2007/2008

Asset Management Plans

Bridges Asset Management Plan 2018

Buildings Asset Management Plan 2018

Roads Asset Management Plan 2018

Sewer Asset Management Plan 2018

Stormwater Asset Management Plan 2018

Water Asset Management Plan 2018

Superseded Asset Management Plans

Transport Asset Management Plan

Sewerage Services Management Plan

Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan

Water Supply Asset Management Plan

Waste Management Asset Management Plan

Buildings and Community Facilities Asset Management Plan

Plant and Emergency Equipment Asset Management Plan

Stormwater and Flood Management Asset Management Plan