Council asks community to have a say on new Community Strategic Plan

What is your vision for the Kyogle LGA?

Council has started work on a new Community Strategic Plan, or CSP, for Kyogle and the villages and wants the community to have a voice in what it says.

The purpose of the CSP is to set out the community’s vision for the future and identify what Council, and its partners, will do to achieve those goals.

This is a community-informed plan, so we need your input.

To have your say, complete the community survey which is available online by following this link.

Paper copies of the survey are also available by calling 02 6632 1611. Council staff will be happy to send a copy to you in the mail.

The survey is only one way Council will be engaging with the community during the development of this plan.

Council staff will be out in the community during April and May meeting with community groups and setting up stalls at community markets.

Keep an eye out and come and have a conversation.

Council welcomes your input and feedback at any time. Once the plan is drafted, it will be put on public exhibition so you can provide further feedback before the Council will adopt the final plan in June this year.