Christmas closures

The Tip Shop at the Kyogle waste facility will be closed from Thursday, 19 December through to Wednesday, 1 January 2025 as staff will be taking leave over the Christmas break. It will reopen on 2 January 2025.
Residents are reminded that the Kyogle Waste Facility and the Mallanganee Transfer Station will also be closed on Thursday, 19 December, 2024 to allow staff to attend the Council Christmas party. The Kyogle Waste Facility will operate as normal on Friday and the rest of the Christmas break, closing only for the public holidays.
Council’s administration centre will be closed from noon Thursday, 19 December and will re-open on Thursday, 2 January 2025.  During this time, a skeleton staff will work, carrying out regular facilities cleaning, maintenance and water and sewer operations.
For all urgent matters during this time, please call Council’s after-hours service on 6626 6800.

Operating times for Council’s waste facilities over the Christmas-New Year period are as follows:

Kyogle Waste Facility,

Closed: Thursday, 19 December (staff Christmas party), Wednesday, 25 December; Thursday, 26 December; Wednesday, 1 January, 2025.

Open:  Usual times for all other days in the Christmas/New Year period ie 7.30am-12pm Monday to Friday, 9am, to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Woodenbong Transfer Station:

Open: Unaffected by the Christmas public holidays, open usual days and times ie Tuesday and Saturday, 9am-4pm.

Bonalbo Transfer Station:

Closed: Wednesday, 25 December, and Wednesday, 1 January 2025.

Open 9am – 4pm: Saturday, 22 December and Saturday 28 December from 9am-4pm.

Mallanganee Transfer Station:

Closed: Thursday, 26 December.

Open 9am-4pm:  Sunday, 29 December, 2024, and Thursday, 2 January 2025, Please note that garbage collection services will run as normal if they fall on a public holiday.

As is always the case, all of Council’s swimming pools (Kyogle, Woodenbong and Bonalbo) will be closed on Christmas Day (Wednesday,  25 December) and Boxing Day (Thursday, 26 December).

Opening hours for the pools on other public holidays during this period (apart from Christmas Day and Boxing Day) are: Kyogle 10am-6pm: Bonalbo and Woodenbong 2-6pm, noting that Bonalbo pool is closed on Tuesdays, and Woodenbong pool is closed on Thursdays.