Bushfire Recovery Assistance

Please find below the latest summary of assistance measures available across NSW for bush fire-impacted communities.

Other measures

NSW Land Registry Services is offering landholders affected by the recent bushfires with access to the title searches and plan images of their property free of charge.

Property searches and plans can assist landholders with insurance claims and development applications to council, as well as provide peace of mind regarding land ownership following natural disasters.

Affected landholders can cal the NSW Land Registery Services Contact Centre on 1300 396 076 or (02) 8776 3575 to discuss available assistance. Details of the support available are available by clicking here.

Banking help

If you’re dealing with the impact of the bush fires there are practical ways your bank can help. Australian banks have hardship teams ready to assist homeowners, small business owners and volunteers with financial arrangements, depending on circumstances.

Assistance could include:
• deferred loan payments
• waiving fees and charges
• helping with debt consolidation
• waiving penalties for early withdrawal of a term deposit
• deferring upcoming credit card payments
• increasing emergency credit card limits

Call your bank today or find your bank’s hardship team by clicking here.